“Forgetting Dad” is a carefully crafted, thought-provoking family mystery story about memory. It reminds us that remembering can be even more painful than forgetting. It provokes questions in seeking answers. We all need to figure out who our parents are, and this becomes a lot harder when they don’t seem to know that themselves. Well worth watching.”
David Spiegel, M.D.
Willson Professor and Associate Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Director of the Center on Stress and Health
Stanford University School of Medicine
We never get to see the longitudinal follow up of the people who say ‘No, thank you. I don’t want therapy….’ And this was a chance for me at least to see what happens twenty years later to someone who says, ‘No, I don’t want treatment.’ For those of us clinicians, that’s a very rare opportunity … Thank you for letting me see that …”
Thomas G. Carlton, M.D.
Former President
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
“Raw and honest. Captures the mystery of these kinds of disorders and how challenging it can be for everyone involved.”
Catherine C. Classen, Ph.D., C. Psych.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Francisco
“The greatest strength of this film is in understanding the effects on families of dealing with serious mental illness. Do you divorce yourself from the family member or at worst become enmeshed with the disease? This is an inevitable lesson to be gathered from the film.”
Robert G. Jones,
Faculty Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Missouri State University
“Rick Minnich’s FORGETTING DAD served as the centerpiece of an outstanding program at the South Pasadena Public Library. The film’s true tale unwound like a suspense story as our audience learned more details about the mysterious case of amnesia of Rick’s father. Not only is the documentary compelling and engaging, it is also emotional and moving because it’s so intensely personal. It also stimulated an extremely lively and provocative Q and A session afterwards. I would unhesitatingly recommend FORGETTING DAD to other libraries.”
Steve Fjeldsted
City Librarian
South Pasadena Public Library
“Rick Minnich tells the story of his father, who lost his memory at the age of forty-five and became an unapproachable stranger to his family, in a way that has all the excitement of a detective story. Minnich’s carefully crafted documentary impresses the viewer due to the very direct and personal insight it gives into the feelings of a family who are dealing with this traumatic situation in very different ways….An eerie, impressive film that is deeply moving.”
The FBW-Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden, in awarding the film its highest seal of approval.